

斯皮尔伯格十佳电影总结 - 史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格




<b>1. Schindler's List:</b> Playboy industrialist Oskar Schindler (Liam Neeson) never aspired to be a hero. He was a capitalist, pure and simple. He took over a confiscated enamelware plant in Krakow, Poland, thanks to help from some Nazi connections, with the hopes of making a quick buck supporting the war. But along the way his attitude changed. The conscience-stricken Schindler ends up broke, but helps save over a thousand Jews along the way. Spielberg never preaches, pontificates or engages in contrivances designed to manipulate our emotions with this movie. He puts Schindler and the Nazis and Jews out there for the people they are and let's us figure it out. The result is a deeply moving and powerful human drama, and an example of filmmaking at its best.



<b>2. Jaws:</b> The first blockbuster ever and the scariest movie (maybe even the best one?) Spielberg's ever made, Jaws is equal parts monster movie and character piece, centered on an island called Amity that's preyed upon by something that leaves teeth the size of shot glasses in the hulls of boats and turns their owners into decapitated flotsam. Roy Scheider gives a career-defining performance as Chief Brody, the local sheriff with a fear of water, who's put in charge of taking down the shark of the title. Joining him are Richard Dreyfuss' Hooper and Robert


在二战无厘头喜剧《1941》遭遇票房和口碑上的滑铁卢之后,斯皮尔伯格终于和乔治·卢卡斯一起,创造出了他们最为长寿的一个电影系列。1981年上映的《夺宝奇兵(Raiders of the Lost Ark)》是一部令人难忘的动作电影,其中还诞生出了一个非常套路——琼斯会在危机重重神庙中冒险,而且他的旅程在敌人完全融化(字面意义上),并得到心爱的女孩之前是不会停止的。从编剧、导演、演员的角度出发,《夺宝奇兵》都称得上是一座电影史上的丰碑。哪怕时至今日,琼斯的故事依旧还在继续,它也奠定了斯皮尔伯格在影史上的地位。

<b>3. Raiders of the Lost Ark:</b> Recoiling from the commercial and critical failure of the WWII comedy 1941, Spielberg partnered with George Lucas to create what would eventually become one of his most enduring films -- and franchises. The Indiana Jones series launched in 1981 with this unforgettable action classic. Inspired by 1930s movie serials, this adventure opens with one of cinema's most unforgettable sequences -- Indy's nimble victory over a booby-trapped temple -- and never stops until the bad guys have (literally) melted away and the hero gets the girl. A triumph of writing, directing, and acting, Raiders perseveres today as perhaps the thrill ride by which all others are judged, and confirms Spielberg's status as the greatest of all living mainstream directors.



<b>4. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial:</b> This is quintessential Steven Spielberg. Henry Thomas' Elliott, a lonely young boy living with his single mom and siblings, finds some direction and meaning in his life when he stumbles upon a lovable alien critter who he dubs E.T. Stranded on Earth and trying to phone home, E.T. forms a bond with Elliott that rivals some of cinema's greatest teams. The animatronic alien is and was unique and convincing, the performances from a mostly young cast are superb, and best of all, the film's exploration of the mysteries of childhood is thoughtful, sensitive, and at the same time often fun. Also sad… but in a good way!


这是斯皮尔伯格第一部外星人题材的电影,也奠定了他电影制作的基调——从工薪阶层的视角出发,展现一些“现实”的问题。这种手法在之后的《外星人E.T.》以及《世界大战(War of the Worlds)》中同样可以见到。此外,这部电影还告诉了我们,并不是所有外星人都是心怀恶意的。它们中的某些也许只是想展现自己的技艺,却因此失去了人类的信任。电影的剧本同样由斯皮尔伯格撰写,这种行为的确比较少见。最后诞生出的这部经典也向我们证明,并不是所有科幻电影里都需要包含大量的爆炸或者杀人的外星人。它只需要是一部好电影就够了。

<b>5. Close Encounters of the Third Kind:</b> Spielberg's first alien-centric blockbuster forever set the tone for the director's unique brand of Hollywood filmmaking, that of grounding the extraordinary within the perspective of a working-class family with


虽然《拯救大兵瑞恩(Saving Private Ryan)》与《辛德勒名单》一样,都是以二战为背景的电影,但是它们的题材却有着天壤之别。除了描绘诺曼底登陆和之后的几次血腥冲突以外,整部电影的焦点还是放在了大兵瑞恩和汤姆·汉克斯所率领的救援小队上。由于瑞恩的3个兄弟都已经在战场上阵亡,所以美国作战总指挥部的将领下令,一定要把他活着救出来。在漫天的炮火与激烈的冲突中,这部电影向我们展示战争所要付出的代价。而当电影迈向高潮时,我们能够清晰的感受到剧烈的人性冲突。在一座饱受战争蹂躏的村庄里,上演了一场真人版的“猫鼠游戏”——小队中的狙击手(巴里·佩珀)在祝福自己的武器之后,一枪干掉了对面的敌人。所以我们至今非常疑惑,这部电影为什么会在当年的奥斯卡金像奖评选中输给《莎翁情史(Shakespeare in Love)》呢?

<b>6. Saving Private Ryan:</b> Saving Private Ryan was a vastly different type of World War II film when compared to Spielberg's Schindler's List. Depicting the invasion of Normandy Beach and several bloody conflicts that followed, Private Ryan drew in viewers with the tragic quest of Tom Hanks and his squad to track down the last surviving brother in a family of soldiers. In between the explosions and ground skirmishes, Ryan explores the toll of war. The film works best when the mission detours into the messiness of human conflict, like when Spielberg turns a set piece inside a bomb-ravaged village into a tense game of cat and mouse that practically plays out in real time, with our boys' best sniper (the underrated Barry Pepper) blessing his rifle before pulling the trigger on his Nazi counterpart. We still scratch our heads as to why this movie lost the Best Picture Oscar to Shakespeare in Love.





这部由莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥主演的电影,改编自小弗兰克·威廉·阿巴内尔的自传小说。后者不仅是世界上最厉害的诈骗犯之一,也成为了登上FBI全球通缉名单的最年轻的角色。这也是一部非常“斯皮尔伯格”的电影,主人公弗兰克同样来自于一个破碎的家庭,只是他的应对方式是成为一名冒牌飞行员、开出一大堆空头支票,然后在重重的追捕下潜逃了好几年的时间。虽然这个故事有可能向阴暗的方向发展,但是在斯皮尔伯格的处理之下,整部电影的节奏都显得比较轻快。由于斯皮尔伯格之前所拍摄的《A.I.》和《断锁怒潮(Amistad)》等电影,整体上都显得比较沉重,《猫鼠游戏(Catch Me If You Can)》无疑是一个喜闻乐见的转折。

<b>8. Catch Me If You Can:</b> Leonardo DiCaprio stars in this serio-comic film based on the autobiography of Frank Abagnale, Jr., one of the world's greatest con men and among the youngest individuals ever placed on the FBI's Most Wanted List. The film features a familiar



<b>9. Lincoln:</b> Foregoing the conventional “greatest hits” biopic route in favor of focusing on the final few months of Lincoln’s life, Spielberg’s film tells the story of the president's quest to pass the 13th Amendment that will abolish slavery as the bloody Civil War draws to a close. This is President Lincoln at his most world-weary and yet most powerful, as he must use every political favor, ruse, and tactic he and his team can muster to get the amendment passed. The film is an engaging, albeit stagebound drama that finds the heart and humor in Abraham Lincoln as he led the Union during its bleakest days, and it succeeds most as a showcase for all the amazing acting talent involved, particularly the incomparable Daniel Day-Lewis in the title role. It’s one of Steven Spielberg’s finest films.


《慕尼黑(Munich)》很有可能是斯皮尔伯格最为理性与成熟的一部电影。它讲述了1972年慕尼黑奥运会上,8名运动员被人虐杀的故事。之前的《同流者(The Conformist)》等同类电影,基本上都是对导演政治立场的一次主观表述,而斯皮尔伯格的野心明显更大,他几乎是以一种戏剧性的手法重现了整个事件的真相。和许多的好莱坞杰作一样,斯皮尔伯格在《慕尼黑》里只是扮演了一名介绍人的角色,然后把其中的智慧与哲理留给了观众去思考,从而使电影的寓意变得更加深刻。其实在以前的作品中,斯皮伯格偶尔还会融入一些自己的主观情绪,然而《慕尼黑》却上升到了一种庄严而肃穆的程度。电影未曾进行任何的道德批判,也没有让以色列特工显得比恐怖组织成员更加正义。从镜头的视角出发,这些角色的手里同样沾满了鲜血。

<b>MUNICH</b> <br /> <br /> <b>RELEASE DATE:</b> Dec. 23, 2005 <br /> <br /> <b>CINEMASCORE:</b> B+ <br /> <br /> <b>TOMATOMETER:</b> 77% <br /> <br /> <b>BOX OFFICE:</b> $47,403,685 <br /> <br /> Munich didn't exactly light up the box office in late 2005, but it did earn a respectable B+ CinemaScore and a decent response from critics.
